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Data Pools eligibility

Learn how data pool eligibility works

Yannick Folla avatar
Written by Yannick Folla
Updated over a week ago

Data Pools eligiblity overview

When a Data Buyer creates a Data Pool, they can indicate what credentials are required to participate. These can include on-chain activity, wallet holdings, social activity, and demographic data. This allows Data Buyers to gate participation and ensure only users that are part of their target audience can earn rewards and become eligible for offers.
Eligibility for a given Data Pool is always based on behaviors achieved prior to the launch of a Data Pool. This means that you can't simply lookup requirements for a Data Pool and achieve the required credentials after its launch. As a caveat, if you add a wallet or Web2 account that already had the required behaviors prior to the launch of the Data Pool, you will be eligible to participate.
This system design aims to improve sybil resistance and make sure that users do not try to game Data Pools by replicating the required actions across different Oamo Profiles.

Why am I not eligible for a Data Pool?

Data Buyers can indicate credential requirements for their Data Pools to make sure only users that are part of their target audience can participate. If you are not eligible, it means you do not have the credentials required to participate or that you have achieved the required behaviors after the launch of the Data Pool.

Why am I not eligible for a data pool even if I have the required credentials?

Data Pools gate participation based on historical behaviors. If you received a credential after the launch of a Data Pool and the behavior was achieved after its launch, you will not be eligible. This approach ensures that only users who already had the required behaviors before the launch of the pool can participate to avoid abuses.

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