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Offers 101

Learn how offers work on Oamo

Yannick Folla avatar
Written by Yannick Folla
Updated over a week ago

What are offers on Oamo?

On Oamo, when you share anonymized data with Data Buyers via their Data Pools, you become eligible to receive personalized offers from these organizations. These can include discounts, exclusive product invites, giveaways, paid surveys, and more! Instead of being bombarded by unwanted ads from unknown companies, you can decide who can interact with you and guarantee that offers will be tied to your interests. You can find incoming offers on the "My Offers" tab as pictured below, where you will be able to review and claim offers of your choice.

It's simply a better way to build a relationship with trusted organizations, all the while preserving your privacy. Data Buyers only know that you are a participant in their Data Pool and high-level preferences and behaviors that define your customer segment. They never access any personal information before sending you offers such as usernames, wallet addresses, and names.

Can any company send me offers via Oamo?

No, Oamo is all about building relationships with trusted companies. You can only receive offers from companies whose data pool you have participated in.

What is shared with Data Buyers when I claim an offer?

Oamo ensures that your privacy is preserved at every step of its process. When a user claims an offer, Data Buyers can know that a user has claimed it but never knows which one did or what their personal information such as wallet addresses and usernames are. Oamo uses its credential system to allow companies to be updated when you complete a Web2 or Web3 action after receiving an offer so that they can keep track of conversions without needing to disclose additional information.

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